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Segunda, 21 de Outubro de 2024
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Chadwick Boseman: Veja as homenagens ao ator de ‘Pantera Negra’

Chadwick Boseman morreu aos 43 anos de idade

A morte do ator Chadwick Boseman, nesta sexta-feira (28), pegou muita gente de surpresa. Ele morreu aos 43 anos após enfrentar silenciosamente um câncer de cólon por quatro anos. O artista lutava contra a doença inclusive quando fez o filme mais conhecido dele, “Pantera Negra“, de 2017, em que interpretou o personagem principal. Boseman fez uma série de papéis importantes no cinema, mas o trabalho com a Marvel fez com que ele se tornasse um superastro de Hollywood. Por isso, a morte do americano repercutiu muito não apenas entre os fãs, mas também entre artistas e celebridades. Veja abaixo as homenagens:

Chris Evans

I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.

Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King💙

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020

Chris Pratt

My prayers go out to Chadwick’s family and loved ones. The world will miss his tremendous talent. God rest his soul. #wakandaforever

— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) August 29, 2020

Tom Holland

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Chadwick, you were even more of a hero off screen than on. A role model not only to me on set, but to millions of others around the world. You brought joy and happiness to so many and I’m proud to have been able to call you a friend. RIP Chadwick

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The Weeknd

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this is too heartbreaking. gone way too soon. 💔rip

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Wakanda forever 🤴🏿😞 descanse em paz, rei!!!

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Luciano Huck

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Acordei com a notícia de que Chadwick Boseman faleceu ontem, aos 43 anos, vítima de um câncer diagnosticado em 2016. Venho me envolvendo cada vez mais na pauta antirracista e seria impossível ignorar a perda do artista que deu vida a um personagem tão importante nesse debate quanto T'Challa, o Pantera Negra. Entre tantos outros personagens importantes da história americana como o primeiro juiz negro da suprema corte americana Thurgood Marshall. Só um verdadeiro herói seria capaz de estrelar tantos filmes e nos dar tanta inspiração enquanto travava uma batalha pessoal contra um câncer agressivo. Que o seu legado siga inspirando fãs no mundo inteiro. Em especial, todas as crianças negras que que encontram em Chadwick um herói e um ideal, tanto nos cinemas quanto na vida pessoal. Rest in peace, King. Wakanda forever. #ripchadwick

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Lewis Hamilton

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I want to dedicate this pole to Chadwick. This has been such a heavy year for all of us but hearing that news this morning really hurt. What he accomplished and the legacy he left is so incredible to me. He’s inspired a whole generation of young black men and women and provided them with a true superhero to look up to. Rest in power my friend. #WakandaForever #blackpanther

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Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

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We all feeling it!! may you Rest in Peace You gave us so much Hope and strength thanks for everything #wakandaforever 🙅🏽‍♂️ @chadwickboseman

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Sharon Stone

Chadwick Boseman; it is unimaginable to me as a mom, that you are gone. Our family sends our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to yours. Godspeed 🤍🌿💥

— Sharon Stone (@sharonstone) August 29, 2020

Mark Ruffalo

It was the highest honor getting to work with you and getting to know you. What a generous and sincere human being. You believed in the sacred nature of the work and gave your all. Much love to your family. And much love from all of us left here.

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 29, 2020

The Rock

Hard to hear about this.
Rest in love, brother.
Thank you for shining your light and sharing your talent with the world. My love and strength to your family.

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 29, 2020

Barack Obama

Chadwick came to the White House to work with kids when he was playing Jackie Robinson. You could tell right away that he was blessed. To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that power to give them heroes to look up to; to do it all while in pain – what a use of his years.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 29, 2020

Terry Crews

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So stunned. Honored to have worked with @chadwickboseman early on. Truly an amazing man. God bless his wife and family in this difficult time. Rest In Peace, brother.🙏🏾❤️

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Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace.

— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) August 29, 2020

DC Comics

To a hero who transcends universes. Wakanda Forever. Rest in Power Chadwick.

— DC (@DCComics) August 29, 2020

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